現地ツアー(日本人ガイド)専門店 IECオセアニア


14 April 2005
IEC Oceania Pty. Ltd.

Sydney NSW, 14 APR 05 - An ecotourism initiative from eco-tour operator IEC Oceania, together with Port Stephens Visitors Centre has lead to the planting of 30,000 eucalyptus trees by Japanese tourists that are helping regenerate wild koala habitat in Port Stephens.

“Tree Planting Program for Koala“ had been running since April 1998 through 1day nature-based eco-tour “IEC Port Stephens Ecotour - Dolphin & Great Nature” operated by IEC Oceania everyday except Christmas day from Sydney. At the end of the day tour, the participants are not only having their photos taken with a cuddly koala bear but planting a tree each for the preservation and improvement of the wild koala habitat in the area.

They receive a certificate signed by Mayor of Port Stephens, stating their individual tree number and date, recognizing their contribution to the Australian environment. The 30,000 th tree was planted this afternoon.

30,000th tree was planted by Ms Junko Nakazono

With a Koala @Oakvale Farm

The trees are initially planted in Oakvale Farm and Fauna World, and then later replanted on a disused sand-mining site on the Tilligerry Peninsula. The program greatly assists koala management and restoration while at the same time helping curb global warming. In a step-by-step fashion over the past seven years, the family-run small business demonstrates that only by working together can we make a difference.

Koala is one of Australia's most recognizable animals and overseas tourists coming to see the koala are bringing billions of dollars into Australia. Apart from making an active contribution to Australian environment, IEC's program benefits the local tourism industry by helping to maintain and preserve the koala habitat for other visitors to Australia, not necessary just Japanese visitors.

Cr Craig Baumann (Mayor, Port Stephens Counsil), Ms Nakazono and her hunband, Mr Shunsuke Nakazono, Mr Neville Deuis (Tourism & Economic Development Manager, Port Stephens Tourism)

Mayor, Ms Nakazono, Middy Nakajima (IEC Oceania), Neville

With other tourists, Middy and Mr Kent Sampson (Oakvale Farm)

[About IEC Oceania]

IEC Oceania Pty Ltd is recognized as one of the pioneers in the field of ecotourism and operates range of eco-tours specially designed for the inbound Japanese market. The day tour to Port Stephens commenced in 1994, and at this time no other tour operator in Sydney region offered day trips to the area. IEC believes in the conservation and preservation of the area that the tourists visit and giving something back to Mother Nature and local community.


For more information about this topic, please contact;

Middy Nakajima
IEC Oceania Pty. Ltd.
Phone: 02-8214-6410 Fax: 02 8214-6450
URL: http://www.iec-oceania.com.au
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